218 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for Jimmy


Pages:   12   (2 in total)
Wed 5th Dec 15:28
Skyrim rated  Good
Great board, but I need to play more.
#28 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:28
Moon Base rated  Great
Lots of fun and great graphics!!
#27 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:27
Mobs of New York rated  Great
Great map!!!
#26 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:15
War rated  Great
Classic good board!
#25 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:15
War of the Ring rated  Fair
Good bored, but need to play more.
#24 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:14
West Egg rated  Fair
Need to play more!
#23 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:13
Land and Sea rated  Fair
Like this board, but I don't really like the baords that include sea territories.....
#22 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:12
Io 2210 rated  Great
Great board that allows for multiple strategies!!
#21 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:11
Fantastica rated  Good
Lots of fun!!
#20 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:10
Fall of Rome rated  Fair
PLayed once with heavy fog...... was bad. Undecided as of yet.
#19 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:09
Earth Reversed rated  Terrible
#18 of 28
Wed 5th Dec 15:08
AvA Bomber Command rated  Fair
New to Simu.... but I enjoyed the map and I agree I think it is favoured for Axis just as the actual board game was.
#17 of 28
Thu 31st May 10:11
Simple World rated  Perfect
Loved this map. Very balanced and determining when to take a city makes the game far more interesting!!
#16 of 28
Thu 31st May 10:09
Seven Kingdoms rated  Fair
Played once and it was alright.
#15 of 28
Thu 31st May 10:08
New Earth rated  Fair
It was alright, might have to play more to get a better idea of the board rules.
#14 of 28
Thu 31st May 10:08
Medieval Europe rated  Great
Really enjoyed this map.
#13 of 28
Thu 31st May 10:07
Lord of the Gears rated Unrated
Alright map. have seen better LoTR maps
#12 of 28
Thu 31st May 10:06
Hordes of Africa rated  Superb
Great map!!!
#11 of 28
Thu 31st May 10:06
Expanding Europe rated  Fair
Alright, seems a bit unbalanced.
#10 of 28
Thu 31st May 10:05
World War rated  Good
Pretty good.
#9 of 28
Pages:   12   (2 in total)